Will LED Bulbs Overtake CFL Lamps


At present, the new fight now is LED lighting versus CFL light bulbs. Considering both technologies are still relatively young and rapidly bettering with each passing year it is tough to say which will win out in the future. In the meantime, there are some characteristics that are readily comparable and unlikely to change in the near future. It is these attributes that may pinpoint whether or not LED light bulbs will effectively surpass CFL lights as the main lighting choice.

Water heater problems are nothing to take mildly since they can cause quite an inconvenience, especially if they occur with a bad timing. A lot of the problems though can be set pretty easily and some averted altogether.

The CFL lights run by driving an electric current through a tube which contains argon and Mercury vapor. This generates an invisible UV light that stimulates a fluorescent layer on the inside of the tube. This is what actually yields the visible light. Nevertheless, CFL's require more energy when they are first switched on than LED. Additionally, a CFL lights usually takes 30 seconds to three minutes to fully turn on.

Most of us use water heaters in our own homes for a variety of purposes from taking showers to washing dishes. Traditionally, water heaters come with a tank full of water that should be heated up before each use and can therefore be very costly in terms of energy consumption.

With the present revolutions, the key is looking at the label to figure out how warm the color of the light bulb will be before buying it. While the amount of mercury necessary is very small it is sufficient that a lot of users are serious about it which drives them away from purchasing CFL lights. However, LED bulb contain no Mercury all.

Magnetic motors manufactured by industrial companies are very expensive, so many people have avoided acquiring them for their houses and businesses due to the initial investment required.

While CFL's have shown to use up to 75 percent less energy than standard incandescent lights, LED has shown to be even more efficient. It consumes up to 80 percent less electricity than incandescent bulbs and may last more than 25 times longer. Additionally, they produce a much smaller amount of heat and CFL's that makes the bold really cool to the touch.

Nikola Tesla clearly believed that he was harnessing the very energy that exists everywhere. He imagined a world where everybody could have equal use of energy, electricity, along with the wonders connected with those things.

LED lights can include different special features to suit several applications such as dimmable light bulbs and recessed lighting. Also, LED's work better outdoors, particularly in cooler temperatures.

A magnetic power generator can help to save loads of cash when you use them in your home to trim down your energy usage from the power corporations.

While LED light bulb initially costs much more, they do provide a better long term ROI than regular CFL lights. Considering the issues CFL lights must overcome so that it remains a popular option, there is a great chance LED will eventually overtake CFL conventional bulbs entirely.

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